Sponsors and Vendors The Memphis Tattoo Festival features the best vendors in the industry. Want to see your brand at the festival? Apply For a Booth Current Sponsors and Vendors Booth Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Checkboxes *ARTIST BOOTH (1-2 Artists) $750DOUBLE ARTIST BOOTH (3-4 Artists) $1500TRIPLE ARTIST BOOTH (5-6 Artists) $2250VENDOR BOOTH (NON TATTOO) $500Department of Health fees billed separately. ARTIST #1 *FirstLastARTIST #2FirstLastARTIST #3 *FirstLastARTIST #4FirstLastARTIST #5 *FirstLastARTIST #6FirstLastVENDOR NAME *FirstLastEmail *Include a link to all artists portfolios if selecting an artist booth *Submit *Booth is not booked until payment is received.Questions? Please contact us here.